Home & Cars Expo 2012
The past whole week I was really excited about going to the exhibition on 5th and 6th at expo center Lahore since the theme read “home expo and super car expo”. I was counting on seeing some innovative home solutions, fancy cars and a lot of appliances for both. As I entered the arena, an ear piercing heavy bike engine race greeted me. Oh wow nice, we have bikes here too… and lots of them, but let’s see if we have the actual products that are expected.
First cars!! Honda Launched its new City Aspire at the event. This attracted a lot of young crowd who wanted to check it from every angle before its production started which owes to public response at the launch, which was quite enthusiastic on both days. Young boys and girls stormed in and out of sports cars (including Nissan, old Ford Mustang, BMW, Mitsubishi,) and taxi Rickshaw taking pictures and making videos. All cars’ accessories of different companies were there with friendly staff, discount cards and special offers for customers who placed their orders on the spot. Heavy bikes looked heavier with a cheap display of prices on them ALL! I love heavy bikes and I hated that sight. The salesmen sat on them themselves (since they also carried a sign on them of “DO NOT SIT” along with the price tags) and after every 5 min made a heart pumping ear piercing noise that some loved and other like me found despicable.
Coming to the home appliances; there is Haier, and there was Haier. No Dawlance or Pel or Mitsubishi or any other electric home appliance stall. There was ROBAM though for kitchen appliances with a nicely arranged stall that spoke volumes about their quality and professionalism.The best products were at Swat Wood Gallery. Intricately carved tables, stools, chairs, footrest, wall hangings and other decorations greeted and soothed the eye with fine taste and skillful handicraft. I was really interested to see Green Heritage Upvc windows and doors. Home expo was predominated with interior designers. I am not going to name them all; many were classy but the funniest I found CASAHAMZA. Although its tagline reads “We don’t sell furniture, we design spaces”, and to boast that they have a very nicely put together brochure to give but the ugliest designed space at the expo, protected by “please don’t take pictures here” with a lot of hand-waves in the air.
To top it all off we went through the exit door with paintings on our left. All framed in white giving an impression of theme and exclusivity, which on close inspection fell apart.
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