Do We Vote : A great statistical tool by a tool which was instrumental in gathering statistics during the massive flooding in Pakistan, has created another study/stats gathering tool for our electoral activities. Interestingly its called do we vote
With political scene in Pakistan heating up it provides very valuable information to party supporters and their leaders. A quick look at it shows the all known facts that people in rural areas take their voting more seriously than all of us supposedly educated and enlightened urban population. was an initiative launched by Faisal Chohan of BrightSpyre during the floods, the effort enabled people on the ground to send sms (the most spread out communication medium in country) to exactly state flood situation on ground.
It had at the time also gathered volunteers who would work to translate those smses into concrete data (some thing which was necessary since people don’t always respond n exact format).
So head out there take a look at how many people voted in your area. If you care about the direction hopefully this time urban population should do a little bit more instead of just commenting on every thing.
3:46 pm
yes we should vote but before casting vote we should review that what will be outcome of our casted vote