This is how you Sell Hosting Services
A few months ago we ran out of traffic capacity from our previous host, BlueHost, and wrote an innocent piece on Green & White that we were looking for sponsors for the new hosting.
Immediately within just a few hours, I got this email:
Hello Green & White.. saw that you were having server issues and
wanted to let you know we are certainly interested in hosting your
sites … We are also well versed in optimizing WP and can give you access to our VIP
support.Look forward to hearing from you and hopefully helping you out!
Long Live Green & White!
Best Regards,
Scott DeSmet
Partner Operations
(mt) Media Temple, Inc
This is how you sell hosting – the “Long Live Green & White!” was the real cherry on top and showed just the right amount of empathy for me to think about them as partners rather than vendors.
Afterwards, the MediaTemple team worked nights and weekends to get us moved in the quickest amount of time possible. They wrestled with our previous host, set up everything for us according to our requirements and were available on work phone, cell phone and also home telephone numbers during this process.
Now we’re on a virtual server platform which we can replicate across many machines instantly in case we need to suddenly scale up (and I hope we do so YOU all should help us increase traffic )
I’m already glad we moved to partners like this – while BlueHost had very nice self-service and live-chat support interfaces, we feel we needed to work with hosts that we could call up and chat with once in a while to even discuss apps we’re trying to deploy and optimizations and more. The dedicated support rep given to us by MediaTemple really helps us.
Next up in the path to (very slowly) improving G&W’s backend: speed optimizations and caching. The last few times the caching system crashed and burnt but lets try it out again.
3:03 am
Osama AoA
Initially though the following message should have been Emailed at you, just thought some one else might benefit so posting it in comment section.
can you plz suggest some good reliable hosting plan for 40-50k visitors daily for a normal non video content based website with DB at backend (around 4 lac Db accesses). I am asking this because at few webHost reviews i found BlueHost and yahoo hosting to be amongst the best nd reliable with BlueHost specifically providing huge bandwidth allocation reaching unlimited at around 9 USD/month. You dont seem to be satisfied with their service.
1:59 pm
Lucky you – as you got a great deal with mediatemple. I
I too had to take the plunge very recently moving from DreamHost to [mt]. taking the grid server packages – they are most defiantly a reliable host and I believe its the right move
@ Ahmed – I assure you with the traffic you are projecting you will most definitely not be a welcome customer for share hosting plans offered by Bluehost and Yahoo. Dedicated hosting is probably your only solution {$50+} what is going to be your concern is the CPU allotment for shared hosting which you will outgrow in a flash – but thats just my opinion from a non-technical person like me