Feature detail: What is “Share this”?
Let’s take a moment to understand that little button at the bottom of every post, called “Share This”.
Maybe you’ll find a story here that might be of interest to someone you know. Maybe you all love Green & White and want your friends and colleagues to also be a part of the community.
Or maybe you want to gang up to attack the author quickly (you know who are)
Whatever your fancy, we want to make it easier for you to send a story to your friends.
Click Share This -> Now click Email -> Now Type “Hey friend! Green & White is the best online journal in the world, check it out!”
Ok dont write that last bit… we will just add it to the email automatically.
Ok we wont, but share the stuff you like, ok?
5:55 am
i would have liked a box below the article just like this comment box is placed or where the subscribe box is placed. so i save two clicks
maybe i am just being lazy
3:13 pm
how do i post a comment for the original article. i tried to find a link or a button but didnt find any thing