Articles By: Sidrah Zaheer

E-Waste Recycling Workers in Pakistan Get Exposed to Toxic Fumes, Environment is Threatened

Pakistan Needs a National Institute to Develop Laser Technology and Involve Industrial Sector

Two New Seed Grants Programmes in Science and Technology for Pakistan through USAID
Recent Posts
10Pearls Spins Off Game Plan8
It’s heartening to see that Pakistani IT companies have now started to diversify themselves into non traditional areas, and are competing with global players in areas such as gaming. We have received information that 10Pearls, one of the leading mobile and enterprise web development services companies in Pakistan, has spun-off a separate entity focused solely on developing and publishing casual mobile games. The new entity, Game Plan8, will focus on creating 2D and 3D games for the iOS, Google Android, Kindle, Facebook and other platforms. Details can be seen on the company’s official press release at
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General Telecom
CCP Gives Guidelines Against Telecom Companies’ Deceptive Marketing
If only were there two things when it comes to the law, firstly the fear of breaking it and by passing the legal authority, and secondly, implementation of the law given full dedication, there would have been less competency and dishonesty in business and society. However, keeping good faith, the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has put forward “Deceptive Marketing Guidelines” which will maintain the Section 10 of the Competition Act, 2010. In order to enforce this part of the law and stop anti-competitive conduct on part of the telecom companies in advertising, the guidelines have been shared with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and other concerned telecommunication sector members, in …
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Pakistan’s Energy Solutions as Seen by Tameer Energy and Planetary Power Incorp.
From time to time, despite all odds against Pakistan’s current security vulnerability, business and foreign investment come into the country for the potential and opportunities it provides. Pakistan’s energy needs are tremendous and it needs innovative energy solutions. An international energy solutions company based in Europe has taken interest in exploring its chances in Pakistan’s energy market and is willing to offer latest energy solutions at a low cost. This foreign company is Tameer Energy, part of the Tameer Foundation, which promises to bring state-of-the-art technology developed by NASA engineers to Pakistan.
The CEO of Tameer Energy, Saeed Zuberi says that this technology has not been applied anywhere yet. The …
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General Telecom
Biometric SIM Verification System Delayed Due to Absence of Officials at PTA
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was supposed to have completed the system of biometric SIM verification by now, but it has been delayed. The biometric SIM verification system was required for purchase of new connections. The delay had been caused by the absence of decision-making officials at the PTA. The other parties concerned with this new system to be introduced, both the National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) and the telecom companies are all prepared for this new system to take over.
The absence of officials has been caused by the internal problems that PTA has been going through one after the other. After the dismissal of the former chairman Farooq …
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LEJ Nanotechnology Research Centre Begins Construction at the University of Karachi
Recently, the construction for the Latif Ebrahim Jamal (LEJ) Nanotechnology Research Centre began at the University of Karachi. The ceremony for this occasion was performed by the former Chairman of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman along with Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. Shahana Urooj Kazmi. Other government representatives were also in attendance.
The LEJ Research Institute of Nanotechnology will be established inside Karachi University’s International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS). The Hussein Ebrahim Jamal (HEJ) Foundation has contributed a lot in Pakistan’s scientific endeavours and has brought the country regional and international recognition. Due to these institutes, Pakistan is known in the …
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General Telecom
New Telecommunication Projects worth Rs. 71 Million in Rural Sindh Initiated
Recently, the Prime Minister inaugurated different telecommunication, health and education projects worth Rs.1.7 billion in Sanghar, Sindh. Telecommunication is important for socio-economic growth, because not only does it provides connectivity, but also employment to thousands of people. The three schemes for telecommunication are worth Rs.71 million. It is positive news that a rural area in interior Sindh is being brought up to the level as rest of the country through initiation of these projects.
Through the Universal Service Fund’s (USF) Rural Telecom Project, around 213 villages in Mirpurkhas and 426 villages in Dadu in Sindh will get basic telephony and data services with a subsidy of Rs.930 million and Rs.250 …
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Announcements General Mobile Apps Software & I.T.
Jugnoo Media releases “Duddoo Aur Dhobi”
There is a dearth of apps for kids and toddlers focusing on Urdu language. So its always feels great when an organization makes an effort to address this small niche market. We have companies like Qurtaba who made some great small apps on iPhone and iOS, and then ToffeeTv generated some great content for kids in Urdu available on web. Now we have Jugnoo Media working on promoting Urdu and Urdu apps for kids and Toddlers.
They have released an app for iPad and iPhone, its called Duddoo Aur Dhobi which is a combination of two Urdu Poems and presented in a very fun and attractive, interactive poem. Kids …
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NIDA will Offer Courses in Design, Marketing, and Computer Skills
The National Institute of Design and Analysis (NIDA) will be conducting specialised vocational courses for females that will equip them for Fashion and Textile Design, Apparel Making and Domestic Tailoring. Other than these, female students will also be offered courses in Multimedia Graphics, Architecture Design, Basic Auto CAD, and Basic Computer Skills.
The Technology Upgradation and Skill Development Company (TUSDEC) has a subsidiary, NIDA, which will be undertaking all of these vocational courses. TUSDEC is registered with Trade Testing Board (TTB) for CAD/CAM enabled vocational courses.
The spokesperson further said that the courses are open for enrolment where each course is signified with an extensive and operable curricula particularly contrived …
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E-Waste Recycling Workers in Pakistan Get Exposed to Toxic Fumes, Environment is Threatened
Toxic fumes from e-waste in Pakistani villages have become a major environmental and health hazard. Mostly pure people from the villages burn these e-waste products, those computers, devices and gadgets that have been discarded irresponsibly by the users and various companies. In Pakistan, there said to exist a secret, in words illegal, e-waste recycling cottage industry that has been recently reported several times. The attention of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) toward the drastic situation these toxic fumes lead to must be focused on solving the issue as they are part of the market.
At a recent conference held in Zurich on ICT for Sustainability, the e-waste in Pakistan …
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