Parental Control Software – Blackberry Spy Phone

July 5, 2010 4:05 pm 15 comments

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blackberry spy software cell phone cell phone spy mobile spy software parental control mobile software sms spy

Note : this is first of many posts to come from Bilal, please join me in welcoming him to Green and White.

Rapid growth of media and cell phone industry has comforted the life in many ways. Various inventions are serving for the benefits of humans. Despite all that progress, it is also a fact that man made things have demerits affiliated with them. Mobile phones have become unavoidable in every community. Their advantages are countless, but sometimes they prove harmful as well.

These days, even kids have learnt to use the advanced features of mobile phones. The latest cell phone technologies have extra ordinary and the most convincing features. Parents consider cell phone as a need of time and they provide their kids with mobile phones. However, sometimes they ignore the fact that the black sheep of the society get into the kid’s life and ultimately creates a disaster. So it’s must for parents to keep an eye over their kids’ activities on cell phone.

Well, what steps parents can take in this connection? First, they need to check that in what kind of activities their kid is involved. If they have picked a blackberry or iPhone for their kids, the available iPhone or  Blackberry spy software can help them to monitor their kid with his/her activities. This software is a useful tact to monitor the kid thoroughly as they report about incoming and outgoing phone calls, text messages, and MMS without letting him/her know about it.

Another thing that they need to be watchful about is sms mania, as it has become very popular among the young generation. This silent way of communication should be watched strictly. SMS spy works to intercept all text messages giving complete information to the monitoring authority. Sender’s as well as receiver’s address can be recorded with in no time. Sms spy does not only confine to text messages but it works to track sent and received MMS also.

Kids do not want to expose their activities to their parents as, in their opinion, it disturbs their privacy. So the easiest way to follow the kid is to enter your detective into your kid’s cell phone silently, cell phone spy works at its best for this purpose. Parents do not want more than that if they could know the hidden life of their kid. Using a cell phone spy, parents can have the facility of monitoring their kid from their own mobile phone or laptop. Using this software, it seems as if the parents are always with their kid.

Working of mobile spy software is something very simple. A monitor can observe the activities of spied person from an internet account. The monitor comes to know every move of the target which he/she makes through his/her cell phone.  Updates are sent to the monitor automatically. Mobile spy records every change, in the target’s call log, message box, and other private stuff like pictures, audios, and videos, even the target has deleted them.

Application of these software makes you free from the worries about your child’s distraction. Parents’ access to their kid’s private life is not like a Herculean task. An easy monitoring can save the child from deviating. What else one wants if these software are available on competitive prices.

Parental control over their kids is something necessary in the current morally feeble society. Fast growing evils and crimes are shutting down their exits for the new generation. A measured step should always be taken.

Facebook comments:


  • Thanks a lot! And did you know anything about ActyMac VidShots Remote by actymac?
    Did you use it? I heard that it allows to get desktop video from your Mac to iPhone.
    It’s good tool to watch from employees and kids I think.

  • Ok; that’s the simpler part of the problem. Can someone highlight what to do when you have spied and come to know that your child is involved in, say, immoral activities?

  • @Jaywalker are you asking for a desi solution or an international one,
    In summary technology doesn’t offer a solution but there are other means ;)

  • @Jaywalker it depends on you that how you take care of your kids. As technology can help you to identify the problems and its your responsibility to stop them with your own way.

  • thanks fo rsuggestion, but I prefer to use Actymac DutyWatch ( for parental control…

  • Yeah right!!! can spyer be traced out … one can find if i am spying someone’s cellphone

  • there is no way to trace out spyer and i think that’s the beauty of this software…

  • This software must be really good. Imagine, there is no way to trace the spy. It’s unbelievable. Thanks!

  • As for me, I prefer to use VidShots Remote. It allows to take videos of your monitor remotely. So you can see what is done on your computer.

  • I find trackwary pro by Mobilezenith has the most features than all of the blackberry spy apps and I have tried most of them.

    SMS/MMS, BlackBerry Messenger/Google Talk support, remote audio listening, email, all media files captured, GPS tracking (and tower lookup if phone does not have GPS), even remote uninstalls.

  • @Bilal
    What is the fee of this software?

  • @Riz Mobistealth is available in different packages for different mobile platforms and you can consult this URL for complete details about packages and features. If you are looking for a detailed review then please go a head with… Let me know if you are looking for further details :)

  • PRetty cool, Trackwary pro makes it even much easier to install using your own personal qrcode pic. Print it out and keep it with you so whenever you need to install trackwary on a blackberry you can do it within 15seconds. Just point the bb at the pic. They now even support ICQ, Blackberry Messenger, Google talk, Windows Messenger. Pretty much any IM.

    great for 74.85

  • We surely are living in an I.T world full of gadgets providing us with innumerous features that we all want to use for our handy cell phones. So, one cannot deny the fact that everyone is getting techno savy day by day. Even teenagers are well aware of the latest gadgets these days and keen in buying them. Parents usually ignore the fact that children will get indulged in wrong habits and often don’t guide regarding misuse of cell phone. And by the time they realize, the situation becomes a hard nut to crack. So parents who are facing this situation should install Stealthgenie in their kids mobile to spy on all their activities and to halt them from going the wrong way.

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