Pring and GenITeam Ranked by Red Herring in Top 100 Asian Tech Companies
Red Herring annually presents its list of top 100 private companies across all continents. For the ranking in the Top 100 Private Companies of Asia, four Pakistan private technology companies were put on the list of nominees. The four were GenITeam (mobile), Pring (entertainment and media), SyntecX (mobile and telecommunications), and Yello (also entertainment and media). Two were ranked in the final list, GenITeam and Pring.
The criteria decided to choose the winners by the Red Herring’s editorial staff was their quantitative and qualitative performance as well as their success as a company financially. Other factors that were considered were their technological innovation and management.
GenITeam is a Lahore based company which develops applications for Web 2.0, iPhone and Android. A lot of their products on Android are frequently featured in top 10 on Android Market Place.
Pring is now Pakistan’s largest social networking site that has a some 4.5 million members, and can be used online or on a mobile platform.

Khurram Samad (CEO Geniteam)
On winning the slot amongst the Top 100, GenITeam’s CEO, Khurram Samad said:
“We tried our best to present better image of Pakistani tech industry, and i am confident we did put up a great show. We got huge appreciation from judges, mentors and audience. With roughly 56 Indian companies competing for title as well, both Pakistani companies were able to grab our slots in top 100 list. I assume this was the first year when any Pakistani company managed to appear in Red Herring top 100 list.
We made good friends, shared stories about Pakistani Tech Industry, convinced people about our intellect. People were amazed with our technical and communication skills, and they were pleasantly surprised meeting us. The Award, has definitely boosted our morale, improved our perceptions, validated our business model; and have created better image of Pakistani tech industry.”
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